"Answer the Unanswered" Q&A - May 30 2008 @Arts House, Old Parliament Bldg
Ai 爱 Love Modern Simplified Character
Modern Chinese Character for Love is protect friends from the claws
claws of fowls, beasts, human
Ai 愛 Love tradictional Character
Ancient Chinese belief that you must first protect your heart from the claws
while walking on top of wisdom, collected by culture, heritage
zhao 找 find
To find, is to use hand to seek the ge, an ancient weapon
wo 我 me
when you found the ge, and hold together, then you have yourself.
Only when you found yourself,
has ability to hold yourself together, then you have yourself.
Else do not bother about who you are.
This is for individual, is it the same for nations?
During the formation of America, she has inadequate naval strength
This is for individual, is it the same for nations?
During the formation of America, she has inadequate naval strength
so the British Empire boarded American Merchant ships, detained people.
US Secretary of State – Madison (latter President) raised issues, as it is against international maritime law.
UK Foreign Secretary Harrowby made the following statement:
"The pretension advanced by Mr. Madison that the American flag
"The pretension advanced by Mr. Madison that the American flag
would protect every individual sailing under it on board of a merchant ship
is too extravagant to require any serious refutation."
Lord Harrowby ’1804
When you have no strength, gain strength is your first, only priority.
Questions asked:
Asked a researcher:
If wisdom is described by frequency, what is your frequency?
Wisdom and strength come from rally with others
Great wisdom
is when you can rally with others
Greater is one who can discern and
adjust accordingly
i attempt to adjust my frequency with the environmentdiscern and resonatethen reason, run harmonystrike a harmonious resonance
Asked a person who witnessed brutalities amidst major campaigns:
How to make the rich and powerful less greedy, less destructive?
Animals, eat, play, restHuman, even well fed, over providedmust keep themselves busy, occupied
Without benevolent pursuitsexploits and bully is only natural wayby those who has the means
The only way out, effective way outis to provide them with alternativespractical, effective alternatives
Alternatives that will sink their vigorto derive profits, profit promisingresulting in effect benevolent
This apply to poor people as welli believed there are crimesbut there is no criminals
there are only those unfortunate oneswho has no wise counselsinadequate wisdomto manage their situation, reources
asked a researcher :
If Lao Tze is alived, and you can ask only one question, what would I ask?
May I journey with you for a while?
asked a diplomat: Do we have a mission in life?
Every living things has mission in life - Survival
Howeverwhen society get cooperatingsecure securitieshuman is not threatened with survival
Keeping everyone busy is important
The wise, the able must helpto device avenues to keep everyone busybusy with doing thingsthat is not harmful to the massto the environment
We, you and i, have the special gift
So we must help to point out directionshow this could be done
We must provide tools and methodsto busy them to accomplishwhat ought to be done, quicker
Today, We are blessed with over abundance
abundance of resource, tools, ideas
We can then rally more forces of natureto attain morewith less resourcesyet attain happinessbeautify effortlessly
asked a Mother from HongKong, met at Lagnaa, Jul :
Should I guide, with firm directions, my child growing up?
We are humanWe have limited wisdomWe know nothing fullyEverything full of unknownsYour Child is humanHe has common sense and pure heartHe can discerns what adults may notWhen we guide our childWe must not assume we know alland he knows nothing
We must help our child interact, integrate with otherWhile together building up discerns, strength and devotion
We must discover our inadequacy and admit it
We must discern changes and alter our plans
We must observe strengths in our childthat may be even superior over usWe must not assume this is a one way lead and be ledThis is a mutual cooperationthen together, adult, childjointly progress
Labels: "Aimless to Win", Cognose Philosophy, Solvere Lim Swee Keng, Solvere Philosophy
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