
Solve key issues with deeper understanding the forces of nature and nature of people.

By better rally forces of nature, we certainly can arrive at simpler, more efficient, elegant solutions.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010







在环球化的世界里,国家政府的重要性绝对没有式微, 只是在国家的规律上加多了环球化的规律。


几千年来, 地方政府的功能并没有因为国家的出现而被忽视、取代、消灭。
















当政府运作时, 人人不再为生存而担忧,就进一步要求温饱。一旦温饱时,便要求脱离政府的约束,向往自由,这是人性。




当世界的经济环球化,地球变成地球村,人们认为国家政府的角色会淡化,中央集权的要削减权利,要把国库的钱分给地方政府,似乎这样分配就会更公平, 政权就不会腐败,进步就会更快,天下就会更太平。这是正确的吗?











进入21世纪, 银行业推出衍生产品后银行业的规模、收益比高科技企业高,房地产业也发明了房屋次贷,把房价膨胀。


当市场环球化,国家不能独自决定政策,世界变成地球村,政府的功能不再重要了吗? 国家的观念没落了吗?


2008年 5 月, 四川地震后,中国内外自愿组织大力参与,被一些论坛渲染成民营、志愿化的灾难拯救比国家、军队更快、更有效。


2008 10 月曾经是世界上最有权力(the world most powerful man)、监管世界最大的经济、金融组织的联邦储备局局长格林斯番更认为政府里的监管人对风险的认识远不及企业里的贷款员。

政府的功能中, 最重要、不可取代的能力就是监管。如果监管的责任、能力,被世界上最有权威的、最强国政府里主持监管的人否定, 那政府根本就没有存在的必要。


2009 年奥巴马就任总统后,所有重要产业、企业都由政府拯救。格林斯番的政策变成众矢之的,但大多数人都只看到格老的错误,没有人提到他对官员的能力没有信心。对绝对需要严格监管所有业者的职责没有落实 - 而让业者放任,发明衍生产品,不止膨胀财富,更篡造庞大的书面财富。


犯严重错误的监管人, 肯定思维中对监管的认识有严重的缺陷。




康索于2001年指出这个危机逼在眉头的当而, 就同时肯定这危机必然造成无底祸害就是这个道理。











规律是绝对必要的, 监管是规律的实体落实。







在环球化的世界里,国家政府的重要性绝对没有式微,只是在国家的规律上加多了环球化的规律, 就好像在国家里, 地方政府的功能不可被忽视、取代、消灭。


Monday, January 25, 2010

Direct Thermal Transport – Bio-waste for Powering Turbine

Dear Technology Review 2010 Jan 25

Internal Combustion engines has been using volatile fuel is to sustain the hundreds of explosion a second.

There is no replacement fuel except pure, volatile, highly explosive fuel - even commercial ethanol need to have high purity, low hydration.

However, turbine need not such high speed explosion. It just needs continuous smooth burning.

To use Cleaner Jet Fuel from Coal to move turbine, especially aircraft turbine (which does not need rapid change of speed.) is as good as using internal combustion engine to turn turbine, fans - modern aircraft will not lift off with this approach.

To save energy, environment, we must use lowest grade of bio-waste to burn, to turn turbine. This will have higher energy content, with the same payload, the same volume. These are critical to the aircraft operation economy.

It was in the 80s, a Soviet Plane was intercepted in Western hemisphere, it was found that it attained exceptional range because it was burning cyclo-carbon - a ring compound like Benzene. It has higher energy density.

To have marginal progress, at great cost, will be to tie ourselves to meet yesterday's equipment, requirements, paradigm of thinking.

To contribute to major breakthrough, as President Hockfield declared in her inauguration 2005, we need to improve combustion of efficiency of high density, high energy content solid fuel, including bio-waste (not purest of food-based ethanol).

How to burn this refer to "Direct Thermal Transport" USPTO.

I can surely see Combustion Engineering become the new, most needed topics of study, research.

Solvere Lim
2010 Jan 25

comment for article on Technology Review
Cleaner Jet Fuel from Coal  by Kevin Bullis
Monday, January 25, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Direct Control Active System - DCas

Dear TR
Dear President Obama who recently commanded MIT to solve Energy issues.

We now witnessed the advancement of lighting in Haiti's relief. We must do more than this.

China has initiated using LED for road lighting, why America has not started this despite the biggest road network, the most advanced technological enterprises in the whole wide world?

Americans, you have to take leadership in making things direct, removing intermediaries, improving efficiency, expanding application to gain economy of scale. This is the only way you can maintain your position as world's leader.

Americans must leap frog ahead of China, by designing most appliances to run at low voltage Direct Current, so that you can tap weak energy source, such as wind, solar, waste heat, water flow to drive micro generators - this is much easier than making semiconductor, integrated circuits.

This has no limitation of physics, stringent demand for purity of wafer fabrication, etc. The technology is matured. You just need to have a breakthrough in ideas such as listed in Direct Control Active Systems (DCas).

This enable distributed power generations due to miniaturization, due to its ability to tap on low grade energy source, due to closest to the demand, minimal transmission/transforming up and down losses.

This is like moving from handful Mainframe to billions Notebook.

This is the more proactive approach, immensely bigger return, than making power grid smarter!

This is what President Obama can help to create new industries to catapult America ahead of the rest of the world.

This was how MIT, EE&CS, Athena Project. Silicon Valley, Route 128 overtook Akio Morita, Konosuke Matsushita, convert the hard time of Regan to joyful moments of Clinton.

Do aim higher, then America deserve the leadership, by leading the world charging forward.

Do integrate all wisdom, including here from Singapore, than divide a states that was united.

Detailed is filed as "Direct Control Active System" at Singapore Patent Office. This is not a sales pitch, but a sharing of wisdom to help the world away from civil crisis when energy, environment, economy tail spin.

Engineers take leadership in Leading the overcome of the most virulent crisis since the Great Depression.

Engineers move Away from inventing price models , fabrication non existing wealth.

Engineers, take leadership in Invention!

Solvere Lim Swee Keng

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