H1121 Improve Design Reduce Construct
In 2001, Unprecedent world crisis (economic, social, and international relationships) was discerned. Analysis stated the root causes is stagnation of new ideas, technological innovations - over abundance wealth, labor and brains found no profitable places to invest.
("Real Economy, Realities of Economy, Economic Realities" Page 3-2 to 3-7 "Cognose - Recover the Lost Key to Infinite Wisdom", ISBN 9810 513757)
This will result in negative interest rate, wars.
Solutions is to create new industries bigger than electronics, to keep the brains, labor engaging in constructive activities.
Submission was made to HE Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore on May 18, 2006, entitled
"World has Lost Direction - Reasons & Solutions herein……"
A Special Strategy Paper For
A Special Strategy Paper For
The Visionary & Pragmatic Leader
A Politician & Experimental Sociologist
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew
A Politician & Experimental Sociologist
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew
Solutions presented to him, was not merely to solve Singapore's challenges, but is based on Singapore's attributes, develop solutions that can be applied to the whole world.
This is what an export oriented economy must do - maintaining, improving relevance to the world's need.
"Dotted Giga City" is listed as one of solutions.
With high speed train of 300km/hours linking cities, 100 millions (0.1 giga)population metropolis forming out of cluster of millions population cities will become.
With high speed train of 300km/hours linking cities, 100 millions (0.1 giga)population metropolis forming out of cluster of millions population cities will become.
with such immense populations, traffic, we need breakthroughs in ideas.
The pursue of sustainability is not a pursuit human seek.
No one is happy living on machines sustaining only their biological functions.
This is retardation, not how civilization progress.
We need to pursue efficacy, effectiveness, efficiency.
Economic returns is an essential indicators of its relevance, efficiency.
And the ultimate manifestation must be elegance.
this will divide into following sections,
- City Planning
- Building Design
- Traffic Design
- Waterway Design
These ideas key anchored on the following
- The only constant change for civilization is to INTEGRATE greater number of people, from greater diversity, deeper, broader, faster, more frequently.
- All major driving forces for economy, for employment, throughout history is about Improving, Expanding, Quickening integration. Computer without networking would not be such an immense, profitable industries.
- When people around the world is interconnected, via transport, communication, the next major leap will be integration with machines, with immediate environment, with immense nature.
The tools we use, the yardstick we measure consistently be
Rally more of Forces of Nature
to feed the Insatiable Nature of Human
It is with persisten, repeated, consistent input, direct and indirect input, combined with the manifestation, devastating manifestation of what were predicted, timely and accurately, that we arrive here.
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