Post Industrialization Dynamos - Solving this Greater Depression
Solvere is honored to be invited by Frost and Sullivan to present at their world conference APAC region on the nature of today crisis, the root causes, the magnitude, impact, the wrong solutions, and the solutions on Oct 13, 2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Click to find more information and register today.
“the current financial crisis could be even more virulent than the Great Depression.”
Jul 26, 2009 Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke said
All experts, including all Nobel Laurates, are still treating this as only financial crisis
All policies are for mitigating damages
This speech, declare that
to overcome this crisis we need to
1. create new industries bigger than electronics,
2. must include rural industries, must solve energy, environment issues together with economic problems.
Solvere will be pointing out four key directions
1. 3 major new industries,
2. 1 reform
for the world as the dynamos to drive the economy again.
This strategy uses only proven technology, supported by many patents.
These are accomplished through new understanding of how civilization progress - our history, our technological trends.
Below is more about this crisis (prediction, analysis, etc)
Nature of Crisis
Bernanke has not comprehended this crisis adequately.
This is not a financial crisis.
Finance industries is not the only sector impacted, the only cause, the root cause !!
The great depression in 1930s, without effective solutions - Led to Second World War, Korean War, Vietnam war…..
Until Konosuke Matsushita, Akio Morita, Intel-Microsoft, Network-Mobile Phones, bring recovery, prosperity, and billionaires a plenty.
Solutions must
Creating massive employment through innovation has been, always be the solutions.
Wrong Solutions
Pumping more than 1 trillion from all nations, 1 trillion can purchase more than 20,000 units of 737
while Boeing only produced 6,000 737 in the last 40 years, 1 trillion yet to create jobs noticeable
Myopic, partial understanding of this crisis – damage escalation, social chaos, brutal conflicts, wars can only be the outcome
Experts failed to predict, forewarn, yet to explain.
This crisis is so big, must take time to form, must have manifested somewhere long before its explosion.
Not any Nobel laureates, Greenspan, finance ministers, predicted, provided reasons, magnitude, spread of this crisis till today.
Queen Elizabeth asked why to experts at London School of Economy, they answered after months of consultation “Sorry, Maam, we did not see it coming….”
Jul 2009, Solvere met up with scholars returning from MIT, the inventors of Derivative (Black, Scholes, Merton under guidance of Samuelson.)
They attended countless seminars, interacted with the famed, still pointing fingers to finance industries, without explaining why CDO is wrong.
MIT, the main source of modern industries.
MIT did not notice creating new industries as the solutions, the only solutions that brought the world out of many recessions, depressions, peacefully.
This is an even greater danger !!
Solvere Prdicted, Reasoned, Now Providing Solutions
By June 2001
Detected the root causes of this crisis are intensifying, and an analysis, its impact, spread and direction of solutions was shared with one whose character, ability is needed to lead Temasek Holding of Singapore.
“Real Economy, Realities of Economy, Economic Realities”
compiled in “Cognose – Recover the Lost Key to Infinite Wisdom” ISBN 9810 513757
recommended to reduce holding in technology, while waiting for emergence of new industries
to be first to detecting market movement, Temasek must hold the pulse of economy(retails, banking, telcos operators, media)
On May 18, 2006
“The world has Lost Direction – Reason & Solutions herein”
formalized solutions in a Special Strategy Paper
for The Visionary & Pragmatic Leader, A Politician & Experimental Sociologist
was presented to HE Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore
On Sep 9, 2007
shared with Steve Forbes at his press club meeting, Raffles Hotel that
1. Technology innovation has come to stagnation.
2. Technological innovation has cumulated Over Abundance Wealth (OAW)
3. In a market with OAW, injecting well governed sovereign funds into free private hands, speculation will spread from non-key factor of production (financial instruments, real estate) to key factor of production (energy, commodity).
4. This will pull the carpet of survival under all industries, when only energy and banks are making big profit, rest are making low profit, losses.
5. Economy will collapse.
6. America must repeat and take the leadership, to create massive new industries.(specifics were given)
“Dynamite Economy, it is not a bubble, it is the worst challenge” Aug 13, 2007
On Nov 12, 2007
1. With the size of injection, with the weakness of whole economy
2. Oil will hit $120 in a few months time, together with all commodities skyrocketing
3. Market start to collapse once this point is crossed.
“Dynamite Economy, Proliferation, Wrong Solutions, Resolutions” Nov 8, 2007
subsequently shared with HE LKY that oil price will collapse before $150.
Oil hit cross $120 on May 5 2008, and peaked at $147 in Jul 12 2008
Collapse of world economy become obvious
Solvere Lim Swee Keng
Engineer, Inventor, Philosopher
CtS Cognoscere Tenuse Solvere
Cognize beffore Happening
Solving beyond Root Causes
Labels: Cognose Philosophy, Dynamite Economy, Economy, Great Depresion, Post Industrialization Dynamos, Solvere Philosophy
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